EHDC Plan for 600+ sites

Updated April 2021

Ropley to ACCOMODATE a 600+ development?

Still awaiting results from public consultation held in October 2019. EHDC stated they had hoped to have results known by  summer 2020, this has clearly been significantly delayed.

East Hampshire District Council undertook a Local Plan consultation primarily focused on identifying two suitable large development sites for inclusion in the East Hampshire Local Plan 2017-2036.

Through a public consultation period (3rd Sept to 15th October 2019) public opinion was sought before the final decision is taken.

So far the District Local Plan has covered smaller sites including a site in Ropley Dean for around 60 new homes to be built between 2028 and 2036. EHDC then in addition, decided to consult on which 2 ‘major developments’ sites should also be included. These sites feature 600+ housing. 10 sites are being considered in this consultation in Alton, Bentley, Horndean, Liphook, Whitehill & Bordon and 4 sites in Four Marks/Medstead (which includes the Winchester Road site in Ropley).

Parish Councils, local organisations and members of the public were invited to respond to the large sites consultation back in October 2019. Many thousands of responses were submitted. 


The proposed development site in Ropley extends along the A31 from Barn Lane, on the edge of Four Marks, to The Shant (Ropley Soake) and from the Watercress line to Brislands Lane.

The more detailed map, below, shows the proposed key design features of each of the sites

  • Red Line – Potential Development Boundary
  • White boxes – residential development
  • Yellow boxes – Employment Area
  • TSB – Travelling Show People site
  • TS – Travellers site
  • There are also planned a Local Centre, Primary School, Sports Hub & Allotments.


Enhance & protect Ropley, Monkwood and West Tisted